Our Epilepsy Doctors and Staff
Pavel Klein, MD
Director of Adult Clinical Trials
Research / Clinical Interests:
Novel treatments of epilepsy
Dietary treatments of epilepsy in adults/ketogenic diet
Prevention of epilepsy after traumatic brain injury
The effect of hormones on epilepsy, in particular of sex and stress hormones Women’s issues in epilepsy
Oxford University, BA and MA (Neuroscience)
Cambridge University, MD
– Residency (neurology): University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
– Fellowship (epilepsy, clinical electrophysiology): University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
– Fellowship (sleep): Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center)
– Fellowship (neuroendocrinology): Harvard Medical School (Beth Israel-Deaconess) Dr. Klein was Instructor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School (1996-99), and Director of the Epilepsy Program, of the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory and of the Neuroendocrine Unit at the Georgetown University Hospital (1999-2003). Dr. Klein is currently Adjunct Associate Professor of Neurology at George Washington University. Dr. Klein’s clinical research includes novel treatments of epilepsy, dietary treatments of epilepsy in adults, prevention of epilepsy after traumatic brain injury, the effect of sex and stress hormones on epilepsy, and women with epilepsy. He has received grants from the National Institutes of Health and from the American Epilepsy Society. Dr. Klein has published more than 45 peer-reviewed articles and has contributed chapters to several books on epilepsy. He acts as a reviewer for a number of neurological, epilepsy and endocrinological journals. He is currently the Chair of the American Epilepsy Society Corporate Advisory Committee, as well as past member of the American Epilepsy Society Scientific Program Committee, Treatment Committee, the Health Reform Task Force and the Co-Chair of the AES Private Practice Special Interest Group. He is the co-founder and co-chair of the North American Consortium of Private Epilepsy Centers, and serves on the executive committee of The Epilepsy Study Consortium.